ISO/TC1国内委員会 令和4年度データ
- ISO-TC1_N749_The 16th Plenary Web Meeting Agenda of ISO-TC1 updated on 2022-06-03.pdf
- ISO-TC1_N754_Committee Decision for ISO-DIS 724-2022 (Form 08A).pdf
- ISO-TC1_N753_Committee Decision for ISO-DIS 262-2022 (Form 08A).pdf
- ISO-TC1_N745_The Notification for the 16th Plenary Web Meeting of ISO-TC 1 .pdf
- ISO-TC1_N751_Report of the ISO-TC1 16th Plenary Meeting.pdf
- ISO-TC1_N747_The ISO-TC 1 Handbook for the 16th Plenary Web Meeting.pdf
- ISO-TC1_N752_The Draft Minutes of ISO-TC1 16th Plenary Web Meeting.pdf
- ISO-TC1_N750_The second prDIS 68-1-2-2022 responding to the comments of ISO-TC1 N 748.pdf
- ISO-TC1_N757_The minor diameter of M external thread on design profiles.pdf
- ISO-TC1_N741_Result of voting on the Resolution 220 of ISODIS 68-1_2021.pdf
- ISO-TC1_N742_Result of voting on the Resolution 221 of ISODIS 68-2_2021.pdf
- ISO_TC1_N_755_–_ISO_CD_68-1_2022.pdf
- ISO-TC1_N755_ISO-CD 68-1-2022 ISO general purpose screw threads – Basic and design profiles – Part 1- Metric screw threads.pdf
- ISO-TC1_N744_Result of voting on the Resolution 223 of ISODIS 724_2021.pdf
- ISO-TC1_N756_ISO-CD 68-2-2022 ISO general purpose screw threads – Basic and design profiles – Part 2- Inch screw threads.pdf
- ISO_TC1_N_756_–_ISO_CD_68-2_2022.pdf
- ISO-TC1_N743_Result of voting on the Resolution 222 of ISODIS 262_2021.pdf
- ISO-TC1_N748_The new comments for prDIS 68-1-2, prDIS 262 and prDIS 724 updated on 2022-06-03.pdf