ISO/TC2国内委員会 令和4年度データ
- ISO-TC 2_N1811_Report and recommendations of the meeting of ISO-TC 2-WG 13 on 2022-10-25.pdf
- ISO-TC 2_N1810_Report and recommendations of the meeting of ISO-TC 2-WG 18 on 2022-10-25.pdf
- ISO-TC 2_N1809_Minutes and resolutions of the meeting of ISO-TC 2-SC 14 on 2022-10-27.pdf
- ISO-TC 2_N1808_Minutes and resolutions of the meeting of ISO-TC 2-SC 12 on 2022-10-26.pdf
- ISO-TC 2_N1807_Minutes and resolutions of the meeting of ISO-TC 2-SC 11 on 2022-10-24.pdf
- ISO-TC 2_N1806_Minutes and resolutions of the meeting of ISO-TC 2-SC 7 on 2022-10-27.pdf
- ISO-TC 2_N1805_Minutes of the meeting of ISO-TC 2 on 2022-10-28.pdf
- ISO-TC 2_N1804_Resolutions of the meeting of ISO-TC 2 on 2022-10-28.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 18_N51_Draft agenda ISO TC 2 WG 18 meeting in Milan-2023-01-25.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 18_N50_N 050_Report ISO TC 2 WG 18_Milan_meeting _2022-10-25.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N340_ISOTC2WG13_Report of the meeting- 2022-10-25.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N339_ISOTC2WG13_Recommendations_2022-10-25.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 7_N418_Minutes meeting 2022-10-27 in Milan, Italy.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 14_N236_Minutes of the meeting on 2022-10-27 in Milan.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 12_N465_Revised Draft minutes of the meeting of SC 12 on 2022-10-26 in Milan.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 12_N464_ISO-DIS 8675 – Observed comments (2022-10-26).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 12_N462_ISO-DIS 8673 – Observed comments (2022-10-26).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 12_N461_ISO-DIS 4035 – Observed comments (2022-10-26).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 12_N460_ISO-DIS 4033 – Observed comments (2022-10-26).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 12_N459_ ISO-DIS 4032 – Observed comments (2022-10-26).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 12_N458_Summary of work of the ad hoc group „Prevailing Torque Nuts” (Joëlle Péchenard, 2022-10-26).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 12_N457_Draft minutes of the meeting on 2022-11-26 in Milan, Italy.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 11_N520_Presentation of reasons for necessary revision of ISO 6157-3 (Knut Westphal, 2022-10-24).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 11_N519_Excel file with Round Robin Test for revision of ISO 16047 (Stefan Beyer, 2022-10-24).xlsx
- ISO-TC 2-SC 11_N518_Draft minutes of the plenary meeting of ISO-TC 2-SC 11 on 2022-10-24 in Milan, Italy.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N331_AHG_N024_ISO-WD 13669_Grooved pins – General requirements (2022-08-22+)_WG13N260Rev.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N330_AHG_N023_ISO-WD 13672 (2022-09-27+)_WG13N263Rev.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N329_N 329_AHG_N022_ISO-WD 13670 (2022-09-20+)_WG13N262Rev.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N328_N 328_AHG_N021_ISO-WD 8745 (2022-09-15+).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N327_AHG_N020_ISO-WD 8744 (2022-09-14+).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N326_AHG_N019_ISO-WD 8743 (2022-09-14+).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N325_AHG_N018_ISO-WD 8742 (2022-09-14+).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N324_AHG_N017_ISO-WD 8741 (2022-09-05+)_WG13N261Rev.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N323_AHG_N016_ISO-WD 8740 (2022-09-07+).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N322_AHG_N015_ISO-WD 8739 (2022-09-05+).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N321_Panzeri comments on DOC_N320.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 14_N235_Resolutions of the meeting of ISO-TC 2-SC 14 on 2022-10-27.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 14_N233_ISO 1891-2 – French proposal for Amd 2 (2022-10-13).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 14_N232_Chinese proposal for revision of ISO 10684 – Effect of Zinc Phosphate Residue on HDG of Fasteners (2022-10-17).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 14_N231_French proposal for 2nd Amendment to ISO 1891-2 (2022-10-13).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 14_N230_Liaison Report from ISO-TC 107-SC 3 (Dr. Stefan Beyer, 2022-10-06).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 14_N229_CORRECTED updated Invitation ISO-TC 2-SC 14 plenary meeting 2022-10-27 – Milan, Italy (hybrid).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 13_N133_ Report of voting on ISO-DIS 2702 (Form 13) – Submission to FDIS ballot.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 12_N456_Resolutions of the meeting of ISO-TC 2-SC 12 on 2022-10-26.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 12_N454_Ad hoc Group -Revision of Prevailing torque nuts product standards- – Result of meeting on 2022-10-14 (1).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 12_N453_Liaison Report from ISO-TC 107-SC 3 (Dr. Stefan Beyer, 2022-10-06).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 12_N452_CORRECTED updated Invitation ISO-TC 2-SC 12 plenary meeting 2022-10-26 – Milan, Italy (hybrid).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 11_N517_ Resolutions of the meeting of SC 11 on 2022-10-24.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 11_N515_ISO-WD 13809 _ Draft modified by Project Leader (2022-10-13).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 11_N514_Answers from Project Leader on French comments submitted during NWIP ballot (N 236).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 11_N513_Liaison Report from ISO-TC 107-SC 3 (Dr. Stefan Beyer, 2022-10-06).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 11_N512_Liaison Report from ISO-TC 17-SC 4 (Dr. Stefan Beyer, 2022-10-06).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 11_N510_CORRECTED updated Invitation ISO-TC 2-SC 11 plenary meeting 2022-10-24 – Milan, Italy (hybrid).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 7_N417_Resolutions of the meeting of ISO-TC 2-SC 7 on 2022-10-27.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 7_N415_French proposal for draft ISO-WD 885 (2022-10-13) (2).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-SC 7_N414_CORRECTED updated Invitation to plenary meeting 2022-10-27 Milan, Italy (hybrid).pdf
- ISO-TC 2_N1803_Formal invitation of UNIVEP to the Social event on 2022-10-26 (Milan, 7-45 p.m.).pdf
- ISO-TC 2_N1802_CORRECTED Updated Invitation ISO-TC 2 plenary meeting 2022-10-28 in Milan, Italy (hybrid).pdf
- ISO-TC 1_N758_The minor diameter of M external thread on design profiles.pdf
- ISO_FDIS_2702_(E) (1).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N337_ISO_TC 2_WG 13 31st meeting attendance list.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N336_EX N 321_Panzeri comments on ISO_WG13_N320-partially reviewed.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N335_ ex N 317_ISO_CD 3506-7 Collated Comments-reviewed.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N334_ISOTC2WG13_Recommendations_2022-10-25.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 13_N333_DATA analysis 2022_10_18_round robin test chamfer measuring system after change of measuring acc Panzeri (1).pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG18_N44_DIN_267-27_(D)_last Version 2022-09-26_en_v03.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC14_N228_Updated Invitation ISO-TC 2-SC 14 plenary meeting 2022-10-27 – Milan, Italy (hybrid) (1).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N509_Updated Invitation ISO-TC 2-SC 11 plenary meeting 2022-10-24 – Milan, Italy (hybrid) (2).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N487_Report of voting on ISO-DIS 7380-2 (Form 13) – Submission to FDIS ballot (1).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC7_N413_Updated Invitation to plenary meeting 2022-10-27 Milan, Italy (1).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1800_French proposal for a letter regarding improvement of secretariat of CEN-TC 185 (2022-09-23).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 18_N49_ISO_TC 2_WG 18 7th meeting attendance list.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 18_N49_ISO_TC 2_WG 18 7th meeting attendance list (1).pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 18_N47_Draft agenda ISO TC 2 WG 18 meeting in Milan-2022-10-25.pdf
- ISO-TC 2-WG 18_N47_Draft agenda ISO TC 2 WG 18 meeting in Milan-2022-10-25 (1).pdf
- ISO_FDIS_7380-2_(E) (1).pdf
- ISO_FDIS_7380-1_(E) (1).pdf
- ISO_FDIS_14581_(E) (2).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1799_ Report of Convenor WG 18 (2022-09-08).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1798_ Report of Convenor WG 17 (2022-09-19).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1797_ Report of Convenor WG 13 (2022-09-09).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1796_Geometry of thread root (Mail from Li Xiaobin, CM of ISO-TC 1, 2022-09-06).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1795_Minor diameter of ISO general purpose metric external threads on design profile (Li Xiaobin, CM of ISO-TC 1, 2022-08-15).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1794_Liaison Report from ISO-TC 1 (CHEN Yanling, 2022-09-09).pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N320_ISO_7090-2_updated draft_2022-09-26.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N319_Draft agenda_ISO TC2WG 13 meeting_2022-10-25_Milan.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC7_N413_Updated Invitation to plenary meeting 2022-10-27 Milan, Italy.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC7_N412_Liaison Report from ISO-TC 17-SC 20 (Uwe Hasselmann, 2022-08-30).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC7_N409_Invitation to plenary meeting 2022-10-27 Milan, Italy (1).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC14_N228_Updated Invitation ISO-TC 2-SC 14 plenary meeting 2022-10-27 – Milan, Italy (hybrid).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC14_N227_Sad news – Passing of Rainer Paulsen.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N451_Updated Invitation ISO-TC 2-SC 12 plenary meeting 2022-10-26 – Milan, Italy (hybrid).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N450_Geometry of thread root (Mail from Li Xiaobin, CM of ISO-TC 1, 2022-09-06).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N450_Geometry of thread root (Mail from Li Xiaobin, CM of ISO-TC 1, 2022-09-06).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N448_Liaison Report from ISO-TC 1 (CHEN Yanling, 2022-09-09).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N447_Ad hoc Group -Revision of Prevailing torque nuts product standards- – Result of meeting on 2022-06-23.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N509_Updated Invitation ISO-TC 2-SC 11 plenary meeting 2022-10-24 – Milan, Italy (hybrid).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N508_Geometry of thread root (Mail from Li Xiaobin, CM of ISO-TC 1, 2022-09-06).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N507_Minor diameter of ISO general purpose metric external threads on design profile (Li Xiaobin, CM of ISO-TC 1, 2022-08-15).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N506_Liaison Report from ISO-TC 1 (CHEN Yanling, 2022-09-09).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N484_ Invitation ISO-TC 2-SC 11 plenary meeting 2022-10-24 – Milan, Italy (1).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N435_Draft agenda ISO-TC 2-SC 12 plenary meeting 2022-10-26 in Milan, Italy (hybrid).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N436_Report of the Secretariat of ISO-TC 2-SC 12 (as per 2022-08-17).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N437_Updated draft ISO-WD 16224 (2022-08-22).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N438_Interim Report Ad hoc Group ISO-PWI 6738, Hexagon high nuts with flange _ Small series (2022-07-18).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N439_Summary of the work of the Task Group “ISO 898 Large diameters” 2021-10 to 2022-08 (2022-08-19).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N440_Summary of the work of the SC 11 Task Group “Revision of ISO 16047” (2022-08-19).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N441_ISO-DIS 4032-2022 – Comments pre-observed by Project Leader (2022-08-30).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N442_ISO-DIS 4033-2022 – Comments pre-observed by Project Leader (2022-08-30).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N443_ISO-DIS 4035-2022 – Comments pre-observed by Project Leader (2022-08-30).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N444_ISO-DIS 8673-2022 – Comments pre-observed by Project Leader (2022-08-30).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N445_ ISO-DIS 8674-2022 – Comments pre-observed by Project Leader (2022-08-30).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N446_ ISO-DIS 8675-2022 – Comments pre-observed by Project Leader (2022-08-31).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC14_N222_ Draft agenda ISO-TC 2-SC 14 plenary meeting 2022-10-27 in Milan, Italy (hybrid).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC14_N223_Report of the secretariat of ISO-TC 2-SC 14 (as per 2022-08-18).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC14_N224_NSS Round Robin Test _ Expert Group meeting on 2022-04-13 in Darmstadt (DE).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC14_N225_Report on results of RRT NSS (2020-11-13).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC14_N226_Summary of results NSS Round Robin Test (2021-07-27).pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N318_Invitation to ISO TC 2 WG 13 meeting on 2022-10-25.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG18_N43_Invitation to ISO TC 2 WG 18 meeting – 2022-10-25.pdf
- ISO_FDIS_2702_(E).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N488_Result and comments on ISO-CD 4766 (2022-07-02).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N489_Result and comments on ISO-CD 7434 (2022-07-02).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N490_Result and comments on ISO-CD 7435 (2022-07-02).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N491_Result and comments on ISO-CD 7436 (2022-07-02).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N492_ Draft agenda ISO-TC 2-SC 11 plenary meeting 2022-10-24 in Milan, Italy (hybrid).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N493_Report of the secretariat of ISO-TC 2-SC 11 (as per 2022-08-15).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N494_Pre-observed Comments on ISO-CD 4766 (2022-08-03).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N495_Pre-observed Comments on ISO-CD 7434 (2022-08-03).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N496_Pre-observed Comments on ISO-CD 7435 (2022-08-03).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N497_Pre-observed Comments on ISO-CD 7436 (2022-08-03).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N498_Draft for ISO-DIS 4766 (2022-08-03).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N499_Draft for ISO-DIS 7434 (2022-08-03).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N500_Draft for ISO-DIS 7435 (2022-08-03).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N501_Draft for ISO-DIS 7436 (2022-08-03).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N502_Summary of the work of the Task Group “ISO 898 Large diameters” 2021-10 to 2022-08 (2022-08-19).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N503_Report of the meeting of Task Group “Revision of ISO 16047” on 2022-07-08 (web meeting).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N504_Summary of the work of the Task Group “Revision of ISO 16047” (2022-08-19).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N505_Necessary correction of values for H1 in Table 18 of ISO 898-1-2013.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N412_Report of voting on ISO-DIS 898-2 (Form 13) – Decision for FDIS ballot.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N429_ISO-DIS 4032 – Result on Enquiry Ballot and Collated Comments.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N430_ISO-DIS 4033 – Result on Enquiry Ballot and Collated Comments.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N431_ISO-DIS 4035 – Result on Enquiry Ballot and Collated Comments.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N432_ISO-DIS 8673 – Result on Enquiry Ballot and Collated Comments.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N433_ISO-DIS 8674 – Result on Enquiry Ballot and Collated Comments.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N434_ISO-DIS 8675 – Result of enquiry ballot and collated comments.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N316_Report of the meeting on chamfer_ 2022-07-12.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N317_ISO_CD 3506-7 Collated Comments with PL observations.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N485_Report of voting on ISO-DIS 14581 (Form 13) – Submission to FDIS ballot.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N486_Report of voting on ISO-DIS 7380-1 (Form 13) – Submission to FDIS ballot.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC7_N410_Draft Agenda meeting 2022-10-27 Milan, Italy.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC7_N411_Report of the secretariat of ISO-TC 2-SC 7 (as per 20-08-19).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1785_Draft agenda ISO-TC 2 plenary meeting 2022-10-28 in Milan, Italy (hybrid).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1786_Report of the secretariat of SC 13 (2022-08-22).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1787_Report and recommendations of the meeting of WG 13 on 2022-03-29.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1788_Report and recommendations of the meeting of WG 13 on 2022-07-12.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1789_Report and recommendations of the meeting of WG 18 on 2022-01-18.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1790_Report and recommendations of the meeting of WG 18 on 2022-05-11.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1791_ISO-TC 1 _ Report and decisions of last meeting on 2022-07-14.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1792_ISO-CD 68-1-2022, ISO general purpose screw threads – Basic and design profiles – Part 1- Metric screw threads (ISO-TC 1, 2022-08-12).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1793_Report of the secretariat of ISO-TC 2 (as per 2022-08-22).pdf
- ISO_FDIS_14581_(E).pdf
- ISO_FDIS_7380-1_(E).pdf
- ISO_FDIS_7380-2_(E).pdf
- ISO_FDIS_898-2_(E) (1).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1784_Invitation ISO-TC 2 plenary meeting 2022-10-28 (web meeting).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1783_ISO-CD 3506-7 – Form 8a and collated comments.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1782_Form 21 – ISO 8749-1986 – Result of Systematic Review 2022.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1781_Form 21 – ISO 8737-1986 – Result of Systematic Review 2022.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1780_Form 21 – ISO 8736-1986 – Result of Systematic Review 2022.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1779_Form 21 – ISO 7093-2-2000 – Result of Systematic Review 2022.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1778_Form 21 – ISO 2341-1986 – Result of Systematic Review 2022.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1777_Form 21 – ISO 2340-1986 – Result of Systematic Review 2022.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N315_ISO_7090-2 as result of today meeting_2022-07-12.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N314_Recommendations _ZOOM meeting on Chamfer _2022-07-12.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N313_ISO_TC 2_WG 13 30th meeting attendance list.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N312_ISO_7090_2000-Revision.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC7_N409_Invitation to plenary meeting 2022-10-27 Milan, Italy.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC7_N408_ISO 4759-1-2000 – Result of Systematic Review 2022 (Form 21).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC7_N407_ISO 16228-2017 – Result of Systematic Review 2022 (Form 21).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC13_N132_ISO 10509-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022 (Form 21).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC13_N131_ Report 2022-06-09 (Web meeting).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N428_Draft report of the 3rd meeting of SC 12 ad hoc group -ISO-PWI 6738- on 2022-07-07 (web meeting).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N427_ISO-NP 16224 – Result of voting on NWIP (Form 6).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N426_ Invitation ISO-TC 2-SC 12 plenary meeting 2022-10-26 – Milan, Italy.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N425_ISO 12126-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022 (Form 21).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N424_ISO 12125-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022 (Form 21).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N423_ISO 10663-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022 (Form 21).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N422_ISO 10513-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022 (Form 21).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N421_ISO 10512-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022 (Form 21).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N420_ISO 10511-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022 (Form 21).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N419_ISO 4161-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022 (Form 21).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N419_ISO 4161-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022 (Form 21).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N417_ISO 7043-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022 (Form 21).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N416_ISO 7042-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022 (Form 21).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N415_ISO 7719-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022 (Form 21) .pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N414_ISO 7040-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022 (Form 21) .pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N484_ Invitation ISO-TC 2-SC 11 plenary meeting 2022-10-24 – Milan, Italy.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N483_Form 21 – ISO 898-5-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N482_Form 21 – ISO 4162-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N481_Form 21 – ISO 15072-2012 – Result of Systematic Review 2022.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N480_Report of the meeting of ISO-TC 2-SC 11 Task Group “Screws with reduced loadability” on 2022-04-26 (web meeting).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N478_French presentation _ Addition of stainless steel in ISO 7380-2 (2022-04-26).pdf
- ISO-TC10-SC1-JWG16_N40_ISOTC10SC1JWG16N0040 Draft agenda ISO JWG16 Zoom meeting 2022-08-03+04+05.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1776_Form 21 – ISO 8738-1986 – Result of Systematic Review 2022.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1775_Form 21 – ISO 2339-1986 – Result of Systematic Review 2022.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N473_Report of the meeting of ISO-TC 2-SC 11 Task Group “Set screws” on 2022-04-26 (web meeting).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N474_Observed comments on ISO-DIS 7380-1 (2022-04-26).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N475_French presentation _ Re-integration of pc 12.9 in ISO 7380-1 (2022-04-26).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N476_Draft for ISO-FDIS 7380-1 (2022-04-26).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N477_Observed comments on ISO-DIS 7380-2 (2022-04-26).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N479_Draft for ISO-FDIS 7380-2 (2022-04-26).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC13_N127_Result of voting on ISO-DIS 2702-2022 and comments.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC13_N128_Report of the Secretariat of SC 13 (as per 2022-05-06).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC13_N129_ISO-DIS 2702 Pre-observed comments 2022-05-31.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC13_N130_Resolutions of the meeting of SC 13 on 2022-06-09.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC14_N220_Result_of_ballots_on_ISOFDIS__FprEN_ISO_4042.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N310_Report of the meeting – ISO 3506-7_2022-03-29.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG18_N38_Mr H_nig comments on DOC N 036.xlsx
- ISO_FDIS_898-2_(E).pdf
- ISO_DIS_8675_(E).pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N309_ISO CD 3506-7 _after the meeting of 29-03-2022_track version.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N413_Announcement of the 1st meeting of the ad hoc Group for Prevailing Torque Nuts (PTN).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N472_ISO-CD 7436 (E).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N471_ISO-CD 7435 (E).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N470_ISO-CD 7434 (E).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N469_ISO-CD 4766 (E).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N468_Pre-observed comments on ISO-DIS 7380-1 (2022-04-22).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N467_Pre-observed comments on ISO-DIS 7380-2 (2022-04-22).pdf
- ISO_DIS_8674_(E).pdf
- ISO_DIS_8673_(E).pdf
- ISO_DIS_4035_(E).pdf
- ISO_DIS_4033_(E).pdf
- ISO_DIS_4032_(E).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1774_ISO-CD 3506-7 – Mechanical properties of flat stainless steel washers.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1773_Report and recommendations of the meeting of WG 13 on 2022-02-16.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1772_Result of Voting on NWIP for ISO 13672 (Form 6).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1771_Result of Voting on NWIP for ISO 13670 (Form 6).pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1770_Result of Voting on NWIP for ISO 13669 (Form 6).pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG18_N37_Draft agenda ISO TC 2 WG 18 – 2022-05-11__virtual meeting.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N308_29th meeting attendance list.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N307_Recommendations ISO 3506-7_ZOOM meeting_2022-03-29.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N306_rev DOC N 303_ISO AWI 3506-7_all comments on DOC N288 by Pechenard.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N305_ISO_AWI_3506-7__compilation of comments reviewed in the meeting on 2022-03-29.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N303_ISO AWI 3506-7_comments on N288 clause1 to 7 by Pechenard.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N302_Scope for ISO 3506-7 & ISO-CS (vs ISO FDIS 898-2) by Pechenard.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N301_28th meeting attendance list_2022-02-16.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N300_Report of the meeting on chamfer washers.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N299_N 299_ISO_AWI_3506-7__compilation of comments with the observations of the PL.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N410_Result of ballot on Draft Resolution 6-2022 _ Conversion of ISO-TR 16224 into ISO 16224 (N 405).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N408_ISO-NP 7720 – Result of voting on NWIP (Form 6).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N407_ISO-NP 7041 – Result of ballot on NWIP (Form 6).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N466_Revision of ISO 16047 _ Call for experts for a planned meeting.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N465_Result of Voting on NWIP for ISO 13809 (Form 6).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N464_ Announcement for meeting of ISO-TC 2-SC 11 Task Group “Revision of ISO 14581 and ISO 7380-1–2” on 2022-04-26-27 (web meeting).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N463_Draft for ISO-FDIS 14581 (2022-02-22).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N462_Observed comments on ISO-DIS 14581 (2022-02-22).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N461_Report of the meeting of ISO-TC 2-SC 11 Task Group “Revision of ISO 14581 and ISO 7380-1 and -2” on 2022-02-22 (web meeting).pdf
- ISO 3193.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N458_Result_of_voting_on_ISODIS_7380-1_and_prEN_ISO_7380-1_and_comments.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N459_Result_of_voting_on_ISODIS_7380-2_and_prEN_ISO_7380-2_and_comments.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N460__Result_of_voting_on_ISODIS_14581_and_prEN_ISO_14581_and_comments (1).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N394_Revision_of_product_standards_on_prevailing_torque_nuts_-_Survey_of_the_situation__existing_problems.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N396_ISO_4032_-_Decision_for_DIS_ballot_Form_8A.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N397_ISO_4033_-_Decision_for_DIS_ballot_Form_8A.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N398_ISO_4035_-_Decision_for_DIS_ballot_Form_8A.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N399_ISO_8673_-_Decision_for_DIS_ballot_Form_8A.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N400_ISO_8674_-_Decision_for_DIS_ballot_Form_8A.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N401_ISO_8675_-_Decision_for_DIS_ballot_Form_8A.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N402_Draft_minutes_ISOTC_2SC_12_plenary_meeting_2021-01-2728_web_meeting (1).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N403_Resolved_comments_on_ISODIS_898-2_2022-01-28 (1).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N404_Technical_report_on_the_role_of_a_jam_nut_Delcher_2022-01-28 (1).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N405_Draft_Resolution_62022_-_conversion_of_ISOTR_162242012_into_an_International_Standard (1).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC13_N125__Invitation_ISOTC_2SC_13_web_meeting_on_2022-06-09.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC13_N126__Draft_agenda_ISOTC_2SC_13_plenary_meeting_2022-06-09_web_meeting.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N294_N_294_Convenor_considerations_on_DOC_N292_and_293.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N295_N_295_ex_N_234_-_updated_by_Panzeri.xlsx
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N296_N_296_Recommendations__ZOOM_meeting_on_Chamfer__2022-02-16 (1).pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N297_N_297_ex_N295_-_updated_in_the_meeting_2022-02-16 (1).xlsx
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N298_N_298_Draft_agenda_ISO_3506-7_meeting_on__2022-03-29.pdf
- ISO_DIS_2702_(E).pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC11_N457__Announcement_for_meeting_of_ISOTC_2SC_11_Task_Group_Revision_of_ISO_14581_and_ISO_7380-1-2_on_2022-02-22_web_meeting.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N385_Final_draft_for_ISODIS_4032_2021-12-22.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N386_Final_draft_for_ISODIS_4033_2021-12-22.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N387_Final_draft_for_ISODIS_4035_2021-12-22.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N388_Final_draft_for_ISODIS_8673_2021-12-22.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N389_Final_draft_for_ISODIS_8674_2021-12-22.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N390_Final_draft_for_ISODIS_8675_2021-12-22.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N391_Draft_report_of_the_1st_meeting_of_SC_12_ad_hoc_group_ISOPWI_6738_on_2022-01-11_web_meeting.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N392_Technical_considerations_on_ISOPWI_6738_2022-01-11.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N402_Draft_minutes_ISOTC_2SC_12_plenary_meeting_2021-01-2728_web_meeting.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N403_Resolved_comments_on_ISODIS_898-2_2022-01-28.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N404_Technical_report_on_the_role_of_a_jam_nut_Delcher_2022-01-28.pdf
- ISO-TC2-SC12_N405_Draft_Resolution_62022_-_conversion_of_ISOTR_162242012_into_an_International_Standard.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N291_N_291_Draft_agenda_WG_13_-_Chamfered_washers_2022-02-16.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N292_N_292_Updated_inside_chamfer_from_N233_for_7090-2_based_on_Rec_39_from_N250-Table-Calculations.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N293_N_293_Updated_inside_chamfer_from_N233_for_7090-2_based_on_Rec_39_from_N250-Alternative_Table-Calculations.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N296_N_296_Recommendations__ZOOM_meeting_on_Chamfer__2022-02-16.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG13_N297_N_297_ex_N295_-_updated_in_the_meeting_2022-02-16.xlsx
- ISO-TC2-WG18_N31_N_031_ISO_TC_2_WG_18_5th_meeting_attendance_list.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG18_N32_N_032_Recommendations_ISO_TC_2_WG_18_-_virtual_meeting_-_2022-01-18.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG18_N33_N_033_2022-01-18_ISO_TC2_WG18_Presentation-DSV.pdf
- N_405_-_Draft_resolution_6_2022_-_Conversion_of_ISO_TR_16224_2012_into_an_International_Standard.pdf
- ISO_898-5_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_8749_1986(E)-Image_600_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_8738_1986(E)-Image_600_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_8737_1986(E)-Image_600_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_8736_1986(E)-Image_600_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_7719_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_7093-2_2000(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_7044_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_7043_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_7042_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_7040_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_4759-1_2000(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_4162_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_4161_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_2341_1986(E)-Image_600_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_2340_1986(E)-Image_600_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_2339_1986(E)-Image_600_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_16228_2017(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_15072_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_12126_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document (1).pdf
- ISO_12125_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_10663_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_10513_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_10512_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_10511_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO_10509_2012(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf
- ISO-TC2_N1769_Christmas_greatings.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG18_N30_N_030_Draft_agenda_ISO_TC_2_WG_18_-_2022-01-18__virtual_meeting.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG18_N29_N_029_Italian_experts_comments_on_matrix_for_selection_of_parameters.pdf
- ISO-TC2-WG18_N28_N_028_Italian_experts_comments_to_to_DOC_N_20_Wflow_chart.pdf